Croydon TUC

Croydon Trades Union Council Meetings


Croydon May Day March - 1 

 All Croydon TUC meetings take place at Ruskin House, 23 Coombe Road, Croydon, CR0 1BD, normally on the 2nd Thursday of each month. The start time is 7.30pm. Premises open from 7pm. All trades union members are welcome to attend, but voting is restricted to delegates from affiliated TU branches.


The Secretary is Roy Aird and the President is Kevin Smith'. Inquiries to Roy on 07941 890756.


The next Croydon General TUC meeting is on Thursday 12th September 2024 at Ruskin House, 23 Coombe Road, CR0 1BD.  All trade union members are welcome. New affiliations to Croydon TUC are welcome. 


Friday 6th September ‘A reminder of our screening this Friday of Daniel Gordon's critically-acclaimed new documentary, which painstakingly reconstructs the true story of the shocking events at the Orgreave coking works, near Sheffield, on 18th June 1984 during the miners' strike. Ten years in the making, it assembled evidence from all available footage, miners' testimonies, police accounts and previously hidden government documents.’ at Ruskin House 23 Coombe Road, Croydon, CR0 1BD. Tickets £5 cash from bar or on the door

Saturday 7th September – The next national Palestine Solidarity demonstration – assemble 12 Noon at Pall Mall. Croydon TUC banner will be there.

Meeting East Croydon 11am. It is now a crucial time to have a big turnout calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to facilitating arms to the extremist Israeli government. Sound bites is not enough. The genocide must end – don’t just watch from the sidelines or shy away from making a stand. Time to stand up and be counted.

Sunday 8th September – Folk & Blues 8pm in Mandela and Croydon Folk Club back on Monday 9th September in the Cedar Hall.


Thursday 12 September – Croydon TUC general meeting – report from the TUC Congress 8-11 September. Open meeting.    


President: Kevin Smith

Secretary: Roy Aird
Ruskin House
23 Coombe Road
Croydon CR0 1BD

07941 890756



'The Croydon Assembly is an initiative by Croydon TUC to give a democratic voice to the people of Croydon and the surrounding area. Assembly meetings were suspended during the Covid lockdown, they had resumed from Friday, 9 September, 2022,7.30 pm, with a meeting to discuss the climate crisis and what we can do to make our government, national and local, and our organisations, including trade unions, to take positive steps to address the situation. However, there has been a pause and will resume in due course. 

Ruskin House is the centre for the Labour and Trade Union Movement in Croydon and across South London. 

Croydon TUC is the local Trades Union Council to which local trade union branches are affiliated and which is itself registered with the Trades Union Congress. We are affiliated to the Greater London Association of Trades Union Councils. All local Trade Union branches are requested to affiliate to Croydon TUC.




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